One Health Genomics Edinburgh

One Health Genomics Edinburgh (OHGE) is a cross-college, cross-campus and cross-discipline community of genomics researchers at the University of Edinburgh, with over 700 current members. OHGE has evolved from the Genomics@Edinburgh community, to provide a renewed vision for the future of genomics activities at the University.

OHGE is inclusive of ̀all those who are using genome technologies and information, both with wet lab and computational approaches. Our aim is to support, promote and bring together the Edinburgh genomics community across campuses, disciplines and systems, facilitating exchange of knowledge and ideas, and stimulating new collaborations to face pressing global challenges that impact on human, animal, plant and ecosystem health.



Details about news highlights and events across the One Health Genomics Edinburgh network.

Learn more about the work and lives of our genome researchers at the University of Edinburgh.

Learn about One Health Genomics Edinburgh, how we're organised, and how to contact us.

a book with a cover with " study learn know"

Join the academic community of the University of Edinburgh at one of the best universities in the world.


Learn about the multiple genomics and genomics-related facilities at the University of Edinburgh

A finger clicking the web image

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