A list of research groups engaged in genomics research at the University of Edinburgh. If you are a member of the University of Edinburgh and would like to add your research group to our website list, please complete the below formResearch group formWebsiteResearch InterestGroup LeaderAbreu-Goodger GroupBioinformatics, microRNAs, gene regulation, extracellular RNA, transposable elementsAbreu-Goodger, Cei Dr Aitman GroupGenomic medicine, cancer genomics, cell-free DNA, COVID-19 diagnosticsAitman, Tim ProfArchibald GroupPigs, suina, reference genomes, variation, FAANGArchibald, Alan ProfAtkins GroupPhylogenetic analysis, mathematical modelling, infectious diseasesAtkins, Katherine DrBain GroupMacrophages, inflammation, infection, lung, gut, transcriptomicsBain, Calu DrBarker GroupBioinformatics education, phylogeny, comparative genomics, sonification, philosophy of scienceBarker, Daniel DrBayne LabEpigenetics, RNAi, heterochromatin, centromere, fission yeastBayne, Liz DrBeentjes GroupPopulation genetics, functional genomics, mathematical statistics, targeted learning, causal inferenceBeentjes, Sjoerd DrBickmore Group3D genome, enhancers, polycomb, human diseaseBickmore, Wendy ProfBlackburn GroupThymus, stem cells, development, reprogramming, organoidsBlackburn, Clare Prof Bochkina GroupStatistical analysis, single cell data, Bayesian modelling, differential clustering, periodicityBochkina, Natalia DrBogaert GroupChild Health, global health, respiratory, microbiome-host-environment, infectionBogaert, Debby ProfBrook GroupPost-transcriptional regulation, RNA-binding proteins, cardiometabolic disease, post-translational modification, mRNA translationBrook, Matthew DrBuonomo GroupReplication-timing, nuclear architecture, epigeneticsBuonomo, Sara DrBrown LabTranslational, genetics, genomics, skin, atopic eczemaBrown, Sara ProfCaporali GroupMicroRNA, vascular biology, extracellular vesicles, ncRNA delivery, cell-to-cell communicationCaporali, Andrea DrCawthorn GroupBone marrow adipose tissue, caloric restriction, ageing, metabolism, bone, immunologyCawthorn, William DrClark GroupRuminant, gene expression, functional genomics, FAANG, gene regulationClark, Emily DrCobb LabGene therapy, genetic brain disorders, neurology, genetic therapyCobb, Stuart DrColhoun GroupDiabetes , auto immune disorders, genetic epidemiology , biomarkersColhoun, Helen ProfCowan LabImmune response, antibody, t-cell receptor, AIRRseq, autoimmunityCowan, Graeme DrCox GroupCognitive, brain, lifestyle, ageing, omicsCox, Simon DrCunningham GroupParasitism, disease, ecology, early-life effects, maternal effectsCunningham, Emma DrDARTH GroupData analytics, pattern recognition, signal processing, time-series analysis, machine learningTsanas, Thanasis ProfDavidson LabCathelicidin, antimicrobial peptide, host defence peptide, immunomodulation, respiratory syncytial virusDavidson, Donald ProfDe Sousa GroupDevelopment, stem cells, stromal cells, therapeuticsDe Sousa, Paul DrDexter GroupEvolutionary ecology, tropical ecology, biogeography, systematics, botanyDexter, Kyle DrDiaz - Castro LabBlood-brain barrier, brain vascular disease, dementia, astrocyte, brain endothelial cellsDiaz-Castro, Blanca DrDigard GroupInfluenza virus, coronavirus, evolution, pathogenicity, host rangeDigard, Paul ProfEPCCSupercomputing, AI, HPC, Data Science, Safe HavensParsons, Mark ProfEvans GroupNeurodegeneration, psychiatric, cellular, omics, crisprEvans, Kathy DrEwing GroupStatistics, cancer, genomics, evolution, structural variationEwing, Ailith DrFeng GroupScRNAseq, zebrafish, live imaging, cancer, metabolomicFeng, Yi DrFitzgerald LabBacteriology, pathogenesis, populations, genomics, evolutionFitzgerald, Ross ProfForrester GroupHuman iPSCs, haematopoiesis, RNA sequencing, proteomicsForrester, Lesley ProfFree GroupMetataxonomics, metagenomics, genomics, microbial ecology, biotechnologyFree, Andrew DrGeneration ScotlandGenetics, heritability, epigenetics, epidemiology, mental health Gibson GroupHormones, inflammation, repair, endometrium, womenGibson, Douglas DrGillingwater GroupNeuroscience, anatomy, motor neuron disease, neurodegeneration, synapseGillingwater, Tom ProfGram Hansen LabHippo pathway, cell size, mechanotransduction, mesothelioma, regenerationHansen, Carsten DrGuschanski LabConservation genomics, speciation, ancient DNA, metagenomics, population genomicsGuschanski, Katerina DrHarrison GroupSurgery, cancer, machine learning, predictive modelling, global healthHarrison, Ewen ProfHartfield LabEvolutionary Genetics, Population Genetics, Mating System Evolution, Adaptation, GenomicsHartfield, Matthew DrHay GroupPluripotent stem cells, liver, tissue engineering, modelling, implantable human tissueHay, Dave ProfHayward GroupGWAS, quantitative genetics, genomics, genotype analysis, electronic health record linkageHayward, Caroline ProfHeadon GroupAnimal, chicken, skin, intestine, developmentHeadon, Denis DrHenderson LabSingle cell genomics, spatial transcriptomics, single Nuclei RNA Sequencing, fibrosis, liver regenerationHenderson, Neil ProfHighlander LabPopulation, improvement, data science, genetics, breedingGorjanc, Gregor DrHo GroupIBD, Crohn’s, UC, microbiome, metagenomics, gut barrierHo, Gwo-tzer DrHoyle GroupMolecular epidemiology, zoonoses, AMR, One HealthHoyle, Deborah DrHudson GroupEvolution, adaptation, antirrhinum, snapdragon, evo-devoHudson, Andrew ProfKaji GroupCellular reprogramming, iPS cells, hepatocytes, knockout screen, gene targetingKaji, Keisuke ProfKaragianni GroupMultiomics, RNAseq, proteomics, spatial-transrciptomics, immunologyKaragianni, Anna Eleanora DrKaufman GroupChicken, vertebrates, MHC, TCR, NKRKaufman, Jim ProfKhamseh GroupTrait-causal variants, single-cell genomics, causal inference, machine learningKhamseh, Ava DrKidner GroupPlant, evolution, speciation, evo-devo, herbariumKidner, Catherine DrKranis GroupGenomic prediction, big data, genome evolution, genetic architecture, genetic diversityKranis, Andreas DrKudla GroupCodon usage, RNA structure, variant effects, mutational scanning, synthetic biologyKudla, Grzegorz DrKustatscher GroupProteomics, bioinformatics, high-throughput proteomics, protein synthesis, degradation kineticsKustatscher, Georg DrLaw GroupBioinformatics, research software development, data managementLaw, Andy DrLin GroupFemale Fertility, oocyte, embryo, epigenetics, histoneLin, Chin-Jen DrLisowski GroupHorse, inflammation, intestine, immune cellsLisowski, Zofia DrLohse LabPopulation genomics, population genetics theory, speciation, comparative genomicsLohse, Konrad DrLong GroupHuman genetics, gene regulation, craniofacial development, enhancers, chromosome topologyLong, Hannah DrLuciano GroupBehavioural genetics, GWAS, gene-environment interplay, human cognitive abilities, personalityLuciano, Michelle DrLycett GroupPhylodynamics, epidemiology, viruses, bacteria, phylogeneticsLycett, Samantha DrMabbott GroupHost-pathogen interactions, mucosal immunity, neuroimmunology, neurodegeneration, agingMabbott, Neil ProfMacias LabRNA, viruses, transposable elements, interferon, embryonic developmentMacias, Sara DrMacqueen LabGenomics, functional genomics, evolution, fish biology, aquacultureMacqueen, Dan ProfMarioni GroupGenetics, epigenetics, proteomics, epidemiology, biostatisticsMarioni, Riccardo DrMarston LabMeiosis, mitosis, genome organisation, yeast, mammalian oocyteMarston, Adele ProfMartin LabEvolution, speciation, hybridisation, population genomics, butterfliesMartin, Simon DrMason GroupBrain development, cerebral organoids, transcription factorsMason, John ProfMatthews LabAfrican trypanosomes, non pathogenic trypanosomes, development, genome, gene expressionMatthews, Keith ProfMcCormick LabPlants, cyanobacteria, algae, photosynthesis, synthetic biologyMcCormick, Alistair DrMcCulloch GroupStroke, infection, immune suppression, B cells, mucosal immunityMcCulloch, Laura DrMcLaren GroupPersonalisation of Radiotherapy, biomarkers of normal tissue and tumour response, cell-free DNA, imaging biomarkers and breath analysisMcLaren, Duncan ProfMeddle GroupBehaviour, neuroendocrinology, bird, stress, reproductionMeddle, Simone ProfMinchin LabAdipose tissue, in vivo imaging, zebrafish, large-scale CRISPR screens, geneticsMinchin, James DrMurray GroupMotor neuron, neuromuscular junctions, degeneration, disease, mouse modelsMurray, Lyndsay DrMuwonge GroupAntimicrobial resistance, gut ecology, epidemiology, microbiomeMuwonge, Adrian DrNolan LabNeural circuits, neural computation, molecular neuroanatomy, learning and memory, spatial cognitionNolan, Matthew ProfObbard LabEvolution, population genetics, insects, viruses, RNAiObbard, Darren DrOgden GroupConservation, genomics, bioinformatics, wildlife, endangeredOgden, Rob ProfOsterweil LabAutism, neuroscience, protein synthesis, RNA-seq, fragile XOsterweil, Emily DrOttersbach GroupHaematopoietic stem cells, development, infant leukaemia, niche, haematopoiesisOttersbach, Katrin ProfOyarzún GroupMachine learning, data science, personalized medicine, synthetic biology, genome-scale metabolic modellingOyarzún, Diego DrPatton GroupMelanoma, Melanocyte Stem Cells, Disease Models, Genomics, GeneticsPatton, Liz ProfPedersen GroupDisease ecology, wild immunologyPedersen, Amy DrPickersgill GroupThe social dimensions of (epi)geneticsPickersgill, Martyn ProfPonting GroupTrait-causal variants, functional genomics, single cell genomics, ME/CFS genetics, lncRNAsPonting, Chris ProfPollard LabNeural stem cell, glioblastoma, transcription, epigenetics, gene therapyPollard, Steven ProfPrendergast GroupGenomics, genetics, gene regulation, evolution, mammalsPrendergast, James DrRamachandran GroupLiver, fibrosis, monocyte, macrophage, single-cellRamachandran, Prakash DrReynolds GroupPregnancy, lifecourse, diabetes, glucocorticoids, birthweightReynolds, Rebecca ProfRobertson GroupOntologies, protocols, inferenceRobertson, David ProfRobledo GroupAquaculture, genetics, disease resistance, editing, fishRobledo, Diego DrRochefort LabVisual cortex, neuronal circuits, sex-specificity, inhibition, calorie restrictionRochefort, Nathalie DrRomano GroupHeterogeneity, pituitary, stress, endocrinologyRomano, Nicola DrRoss LabEvolutionary genomics, insects, unusual inheritance, sex chromosomesRoss, Laura DrSargison GroupHaemonchus contorts model parasitic nematode, Haemonchus contorts genome assembly, post genomic research of parasite diversity, nemabiome metabarcoding, nematode population geneticsSargison, Neil ProfSchoenebeck GroupAssembly, annotation, WGS, GWAS, imputationSchoenebeck, Jeffrey DrSchumacher GroupMathematical modelling, cell dynamics, cell interactions, cell state transitions, regenerationSchumacher, Linus DrSemple LabBioinformatics, genomics, transcriptomics, evolution, cancerSemple, Colin ProfSemple GroupGenetics, insulin resistance, diabetes, adipose tissue, PI 3-KinaseSemple, Robert ProfSibley LabFunctional genomics, ALS, autism, iCLIP, scRNA-seqSibley, Chris DrSimm GroupFood systems, planetary healthSimm, Geoff ProfSimpson GroupGene-expression, networks, machine-learning, statistics, neuroscienceSimpson, Ian DrSmith GroupAvian, genomics, host response, disease resistance, environmental adaptationSmith, Jacqueline DrSpiliopoulou GroupGenetic epidemiology, predictive and causal inference, machine learning, biomarkers, autoimmune diseasesSpiliopoulou, Athina DrStevens GroupBacterial pathogenesis, functional genomics, animal disease, food safetyStevens, Mark ProfStimson GroupObesity, metabolism, brown adipose tissue, experimental medicine, tracersStimson, Roland ProfStone GroupEntomology, phylogenomics, population genetics, transcriptomics, coevolutionStone, Graham ProfStracquadanio LabSynthetic biology, synthetic genomics, protein engineering, cancer biology, machine learningStracquadanio, Giovanni DrSurmeli LabNeural, networks, transcriptome, cell, identitySurmeli, Gulsen DrVernimmen LabRole of epigenetic regulators during cell differentiationVernimmen, Douglas DrTaylor GroupGenome, mutation, selection, evolution, regulationTaylor, Martin ProfTenesa GroupComplex traits, genetics, genomics, disease, quantitative geneticsTenesa, Albert ProfThomson GroupCancer, genomics, epigenetics, informatics, NHS patient dataThomson, John DrThomson GroupStatistical genetics, psychiatric illness, depression, sequence, bioinformaticsThomson, Pippa DrTwyford LabPlant evolution, genome structure, population genetics, hybridisation and speciationTwyford, Alex DrVale LabHost-pathogen interactions, evolutionary ecology, invertebrate immunity, pathogen evolution, experimental epidemiologyVale, Pedro Dr Vallejos GroupBayesian, statistics, single cell, electronic health records, risk predictionVallejos, Catalina DrVan OoijenCircadian clocks, cell biology, multi-omics, algae and plants, chronobiologyVan Ooijen, Gerben DrWallace LabRNA, protein synthesis, fungi, stress, bioinformaticsWallace, Edward DrWalmsley GroupNeutrophil, inflammation, hypoxia, metabolism, epigeneticWalmsley, Sarah ProfWatson GroupMicrobiome, genomics, bioinformatics, livestock, sequencingWatson, Mick ProfWiener GroupDomesticated animals, selection, adaptation, complex traits, population genomicsWiener, Pam DrWilliams GroupMyelin pathology, oligodendrocyte, multiple sclerosis, cerebral small vessel disease, remyelinationWilliams, Anna ProfWilson GroupEmbryo, development, mammalian, spinal cord, somitogenesisWilson, Val ProfWilson GroupGWAS, rare variants, genetic drift, omics, inbreeding depressionWilson, Jim ProfWoolhouse GroupEpidemiology, zoonoses, metagenomics, microbial genomics, antimicrobial resistanceWoolhouse, Mark ProfYoung GroupEvolution, population genetics, transcriptomics, promoters, enhancersYoung, Rob Dr This article was published on 2024-04-02