What is One Health Genomics Edinburgh? One Health Genomics Edinburgh (OHGE) is a cross-college, cross-campus and cross-discipline community of genomics researchers at the University of Edinburgh, with over 400 current members. OHGE has evolved from the Genomics@Edinburgh community, to provide a renewed vision for the future of genomics activities at the University. OHGE is inclusive of ̀all those who are using genome technologies and information, both with wet lab and computational approaches. Our aim is to support, promote and bring together the Edinburgh genomics community across campuses, disciplines and systems, facilitating exchange of knowledge and ideas, and stimulating new collaborations to face pressing global challenges that impact on human, animal, plant and ecosystem health. OHGE Executive Committee One Health Genomics Edinburgh is led by an executive committee comprising the following members: Professor Tim Aitman (Chair of OHGE Exec Committee) - Chair of Molecular Pathology and Genetics, Director of Centre for Genomic & Experimental Medicine Professor Kenneth Baillie - Chair of Experimental Medicine Professor Sara Brown - Grant Chair of Dermatology Professor Helen Colhoun - AXA Chair of Medical Informatics and Life Course Epidemiology Professor Ross Fitzgerald - Chair of Molecular Bacteriology Professor Charlie Gourley - Chair of Medical Oncology, Clinical Director of CRUK Scotland Centre Professor Dónal O'Carroll - Chair of Stem Cell Biology Professor Mark Parsons - Chair of High Peformance Computing, Dean of Research Computing, Executive Director of EPCC Professor Liz Patton - Chair of Chemical Genetics Dr Annis Richardson - Lecturer in Molecular Crop Science Professor Ian Simpson - Chair of Biomedical Informatics, Director of UKRI CDT in Biomedical Artificial Intelligence Professor Martin Taylor - Chair of Evolutionary Genomics Professor Albert Tenesa - Chair of Quantitative Genetics Dr Daniel Toddie-Moore - OHGE Project and Development Manager Contact details For all enquiries please contact genomics_network@ed.ac.uk. Follow us on X (formerly Twitter) here: @GenomicsEdi (external link). If you would like to join our mailing list and receive out monthly newsletter please fill out this form: One Health Genomics Edinburgh mailing list form (external link). This article was published on 2024-04-02