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Infectious Disease Genomics Symposium 2024

Infectious Disease Genomics Flyer

The One Health Genomics Edinburgh and Edinburgh Infectious Diseases networks are delighted to invite you to a joint symposium - this one-day event, to held on the 6th September in the Nucleus Building at the Kings Buildings Campus, will showcase infectious disease research that takes a genomics approach to explore the interactions of hosts and pathogens.

There will be keynote presentations from Professor Johannes Krause (Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig) and Professor Mara Lawniczak (Sanger Institute), alongside a fantastic programme of University of Edinburgh speakers presenting exciting new work in plants, animals, humans, and aquaculture.

About Johannes Krause (external link)

About Mara Lawniczak (external link)

There will also be poster sessions throughout the day, and opportunities for poster pitches by ECRs - please register by 22nd August to submit a poster abstract.


Keynote speakers

Johannes Krause (MPI Leipzig) - Using ancient DNA to investigate the evolution of humans and their pathogens

Mara Lawniczak (The Sanger Institute) - Genomic resources for malaria control

Edinburgh speakers

Kenny Baillie (Centre for Inflammation Research) - Pandemic preparedness

Simon Biddie (Institute of Genetics and Cancer and The Usher Institute) - Genomic approaches to transcriptional regulation in bacterial and viral infection

Sara Clohisey (Baillie Gifford Pandemic Science Hub ) - Host-pathogen interactions and severe disease

Katie Dubarry (The Roslin Institute) - Immune cell transcriptomics in sheep

Carolina Mayes (School of Social and Political Sciences) - Historical perspectives on genomics

Beatriz Orosa (School of Biological Sciences) - Ubiquitin plant immune response and pathogen subversion

James Prendergast (The Roslin Institute) - Immune epigenome in cattle

Tim Regan (The Roslin Institute) - Aquaculture genomics

Clark Russell (Centre for Inflammation Research)- Streptococcus pneumoniae variants and the innate immune response

Amanda Warr (The Roslin Institute) - Feline corona virus emergence