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OHGE Community Meeting 2024

Join us for the first One Health Genomics Edinburgh Community Meeting, which will bring together the genomics community  to connect and collaborate with colleagues from across campuses and disciplines.

OHGE is inclusive of all working with genomic technology and information in any field of research across the University, and takes a One Health approach to bring together those working on human, animal, plant and ecosystem health.

Download the programme below:




Welcome and Introduction

  • Tim Aitman (IGC)
  • Iain Gordon (Vice-Principal and Head of the College of Science & Engineering)

Session 1 

  • Charlie Gourley (IGC) - Whole genome sequencing reveals two routes to genomic chaos in high grade serous ovarian cancer
  • Donal O’Carroll (SBS) - Safeguarding germline immortality
  • Konrad Rawlik (Roslin/IRR) - Is this the right context? Functional genomics in Covid-19 and beyond
  • Natalie Ring (Roslin) - Rapid diagnostic sequencing for pathogen identification and AMR prediction
  • Tim Aitman (IGC) - Cancer and rare disease: innovation in genome-based diagnostics

Session 2

  • Ian Simpson (Informatics) - Graph Based Multi-Modal Data Integration for Genomic Medicine
  • Mark Parsons (EPCC) - Exascale and large-scale data science at Edinburgh
  • Athina Spiliopoulou (Usher) - Identifying core genes for disease through genome-wide aggregation of trans-effects
  • Martin Taylor (IGC) - Replication strand symmetry and the flavours of collateral mutagenesis in DNA damage tolerance

Session 3

  • Christina Boswell (SSPS, Vice-Principal Research and Enterprise) - Comments on One Health
  • Dan Macqueen (Roslin) - Leveraging genomics to improve fish health in aquaculture
  • Liz Patton (IGC) - Translational Melanoma Genomics Across Species
  • Kellie Watson (Roslin) - Leveraging Poultry Genomics for a One Health Approach in Africa
  • Catherine Kidner (IMPS) - Does a dynamic genome drive diversity?

Session 4

  • Annis Richardson (IMPS) - Understanding the gene networks that control cereal development
  • Miguel Garcia-Sancho (SSPS) - A History of Genomics across Species, Communities and Projects
  • Kenny Baillie (Roslin) - Computational genomics for therapeutic development in the AI era
  • Zarmena Khan (Oxford Nanopore Technologies) - What You’re Missing Matters

International Keynote Speaker

  • Appolinaire Djikeng (Director General, International Livestock Research Institute)

The role of Genomics in delivering the CGIAR mission: Science and innovations for the transformation of the food, land, and water systems in a climate crisis

Closing Remarks

  • Rob Semple (CMVM)


Filming and Photography

Photography and filming will be taking place during this event for promotional purposes. The photographs and recordings made will likely appear on social media, and our website and digital communications. Please notify the photographer/videographer and/or contact the event organisers if you do not give your consent to being photographed and/or filmed


This meeting is sponsored by:

BioCaptiva: (external link)

biomodal: (external link)

Bionano: (external link)

Illumina: (external link)

New England Biolabs: (external link)

Nonacus: (external link)

Oxford Nanopore Technologies: (external link)

Stilla Technologies: (external link)

Twist Bioscience: (external link)


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