Genome Assembly using Oxford Nanopore Sequencing, Mar 6 - 10


Long-read genome sequencing technologies offer the opportunity to assemble highly contiguous genome sequences for a huge spectrum of organisms, including telomere-to-telomere human chromosomes, fully closed bacterial chromosomes and plasmids, and even entire viral genomes in single reads. A wide variety of tools exist to process long-read sequencing data, from basecalling through to genome assembly, polishing and quality control. Each of these has been developed to optimise the accuracy of the resulting genome assemblies, either in hybrid with paired short-read data, or increasingly using long reads alone. This course will introduce participants to a range of methods to complete the steps required to process raw Oxford Nanopore Technologies sequencing data into a fully assembled, polished and quality controlled genome assembly, both with and without accompanying short reads, and with and without a reference genome. Over five days, we will include a combination of both theoretical background and practical application using model viral and bacterial datasets, concluding with a full run-through of the assembly, polishing and quality control pipeline at each course participants’ own pace.

Target audience and assumed background

This course is intended for researchers interested in learning the background and practical techniques involved in genome assembly using Oxford Nanopore Technologies data. Both beginners and more advanced users are welcome, however a basic understanding on how to use the command line is recommended. The practical sessions will be split into two groups, one for those confident on the command line, and one for those who are less confident. The instructors are both hybrid wet lab/dry lab scientists and can offer advice on both the practical aspects of Nanopore sequencing and the bioinformatics, although the course will be primarily focussed on bioinformatics.

Learning outcomes

●    Learn the advantages and disadvantages of long-read sequencing ●    Understand the steps involved in genome assembly using long read data

●    Gain practical experience in choosing and using the optimal tools for a variety of dataset types, including microbiome, bacterial, viral and mammalian


  • Dr. Amanda Warr (Roslin Institute, UK)
  • Dr. Natalie Ring(Roslin Institute, UK)

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