Early Career Prize for Didier Devaurs

Cross-disciplinary Fellow Didier Devaurs has received a SULSA award for his work using cutting-edge machine learning techniques to resolve challenges with deep mutational scanning.

SULSA, a strategic alliance between ten Scottish Universities, aims to advance Scotland’s research and innovation in the life sciences. 

The Early Career Researcher prizes are given to outstanding early career scientists whose work shows excellent potential to make an impact in the field of life sciences. 

The prize includes £2,000 of flexible funding and a tour of three Scottish universities where Didier will deliver a seminar and meet with staff to raise his profile around Scotland, developing his networks.

Didier is currently a Cross-disciplinary Fellow (XDF) at the Institute of Genetics and Cancer. He works on cross-disciplinary projects in quantitative biomedical research including protein mutation interpretation, protein-protein interaction analysis, molecular docking, molecular caging, and integrative molecular modelling.

I mostly see this award as a fantastic networking opportunity to establish connections with researchers in Scotland who share common scientific interests with me. This competition pushed me to try and present my work in the most compelling way, accessible to a broad audience.

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