Edinburgh Next Generation of Genomics Symposium 2023

We are thrilled to announce the upcoming Edinburgh Next Generation of Genomics Symposium (ENGoGS). This event will provide an exceptional platform for early career researchers to showcase their groundbreaking research in the field of genomics.

Building upon the success of last year's online event, “The Next Generation of Genomics Symposium”, we are once again excited to bring together a diverse group of early career researchers from across the University of Edinburgh.

We invite you to join us, as we transition to our first in-person gathering. ENGoGS promises to be an invaluable opportunity to connect with fellow researchers, engage in stimulating discussions, and strengthen your ties with the vibrant genomics community at Edinburgh. 

Lunch and refreshments will be provided during breaks.

This symposium is financially supported by The Genetics Society. The Genetic Society has generously provided funding for three carer awards of £60 pounds each, for those with carer responsibilities to be able to attend the meeting. To apply for these, please contact genomics_network@ed.ac.uk before 30th October. Successful awardees will be selected through a random process, and applicants will be informed about the status of their application by the 6th of November.

Best poster and presentation prizes will be awarded and presented by Professor Sir Peter Mathieson. The prizes are sponsored by Takara Bio. In addition, the symposium is kindly sponsored by NEBThermo Fischer Scientific and Illumina.


Preliminary schedule:

  • 9:25 - Opening of Symposium: Prof Tim Aitman


  • Opening Speaker : Professor Wendy Bickmore (MRC HGU, IGC)

Reconciling views of the 3D genome using ‘omic’ vs imaging approaches: seeing is believing

  • Session 1: 

Eleanor Conole (Lothian Birth Cohorts group): Multi-omic signatures of chronic inflammation in relation to brain and cognitive ageing

Barry Ryan (Informatics): Multi-Omic Graph Diagnosis (MOGDx) : A data integration tool to perform classification tasks for heterogenous diseases

Nadine Bestard (CRM): Single-cell analysis on a budget: performance evaluation of different sequencing technologies

Carlos Martinez-Perez (ECRC, IGC): A multiomics approach to understanding endocrine therapy resistance in breast cancer

  • Break and poster session


  • Session 2: 

Nick Parkinson (Roslin Institute): Interrogation of regulatory elements in eQTLs using targeted CRISPR screening 

Florent Petitprez (IRR): Spatial transcriptomics identify local tumor microenvironment structures in glioblastoma

Anima Sutradhar (IQB3): Transcriptome-wide meta-analysis of codon usage in Escherichia coli

  • Keynote speaker : Laura Glendinning (Roslin Institute)

Not birds of a feather: metagenomics in commercial and village chickens

  • 12:20 - Lunch and poster session


  • Session 3:

Vesa Qarkaxhija (Roslin Institute): One Health genomic epidemiology of Escherichia coli and antimicrobial resistance within the national Malawian poultry supply chain

Rachel Owen (Roslin Institute): Improving livestock production and health through high-throughput identification of functional regulatory variation

Wenduo Qi (Centre for Cardiovascular Science, QMRI): Identification of Epigenetic Mechanisms in Environmental Health: Insights from Polychlorinated Biphenyl Exposure Experiments in Murine Models

Zexin Jiao (Roslin Institute): The structural variation landscape in the European seabass (Dicentrarchus labrax) genome and its potential role in disease resistance

  • Keynote speaker :  Ailith Ewing (MRC HGU/ECRC, IGC)

Evolutionary trajectories to structural diversity in high grade serous ovarian cancer

  • Break and poster session


  • Session 4:

Jurgis Kuliesius (Usher Institute): Proteomic GWAS: 1533 New Paths to Discovery

Olivier Labayle (MRC HGU, IGC): TarGene: Dispensing with unnecessary assumptions in population genetics analyses

Xell Brunet Guasch (School of Mathematics/IGC): Quantifying just-right APC inactivation for colorectal cancer initiation

Vera Kaiser (MRC HGU, IGC): Stage-resolved DNA folding during human meiosis – insights from single cells


  • Panel discussion: ”Has genomics had its day?” 

Martina Dajak (IQB3), Juliet Luft (IRR), Tim Regan (Roslin Institute), Nick Younger (MRC HGU, IGC); Chaired by Robb Hollis 


  • Closing remarks: Professor Tim Aitman (CGEM, IGC)


  • Award presentation: Professor Sir Peter Mathieson


  • 17:00 - Drinks reception